
Download and unzip

You’ll find three files:

  • Kease.zxp
  • 00_KeaseCopyShortcut.jsx
  • 00_KeaseEaseShortcut.jsx

Please do the following:

  1. Install Kease.zxp (either manually or using a ZXP installer).
  2. Copy both 00_KeaseCopyShortcut.jsx and 00_KeaseEaseShortcut.jsx into After Effects script folder.
    These two files allows shortcuts to be used in Kease. Read how to set them up here.
  3. Restart After Effects.

How to install Kease.zxp with a ZXP Installer

  1. Download and install a ZXP installer (this one for example:
  2. Launch the installer.
  3. Drag and drop Kease.zxp onto it.
  4. Restart After Effects.
    Kease will appear under Window > Extensions.

How to manually install Kease.zxp

  1. Rename Kease.zxp to In other words change the file extension to .zip.
  2. Extract You now have a folder named Kease.
  3. Move the whole folder here:
    on Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
    on Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/
  4. Restart After Effects.
    Kease will appear under Window > Extensions.