
You’ve just downloaded a zipped file named Please unzip it.

You should now have three files:

  • Kease.zxp
  • 00_KeaseCopyShortcut.jsx
  • 00_KeaseEaseShortcut.jsx
  1. Install Kease.zxp either manually or using a ZXP installer.
  2. Copy both 00_KeaseCopyShortcut.jsx and 00_KeaseEaseShortcut.jsx into After Effects script folder.
    These two files allows shortcuts to be used in Kease.
  3. Restart After Effects.

How to install Kease.zxp with a ZXP Installer

  1. Download and install a ZXP installer (this one for example:
  2. Launch the installer.
  3. Drag and drop Kease.zxp onto it.
  4. Restart After Effects.
    Kease will appear under Window > Extensions.

How to manually install Kease.zxp

  1. Rename Kease.zxp to In other words change the file extension to .zip.
  2. Extract You now have a folder named Kease.
  3. Move the whole folder here:
    on Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
    on Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/
  4. Restart After Effects.
    Kease will appear under Window > Extensions.